jueves, 1 de abril de 2010

April Fools Day

[Aviso previo: Siento la ausencia de tildes en este post, asi como la de la letra enie de Espania. Motivo: publicacion realizada desde lo que viene siendo mi oficina]

Pues por lo visto hoy dia 1 de Abril es hoy aqui lo que en Espania seria el dia de los inocentes. April Fools Day se llama. Un poco menos politicamente correcto diria yo.

No es que me hayan hecho ninguna broma, pero como hoy es hoy y ya maniana no sera, he visto conveniente dejarlo dicho.

Por un lado, si hoy os meteis en google vereis que se llama TOPEKA, y te muestra un link donde se supone te explican por que han cambiado el nombre. Como seguramente maniana ya no este, por si no os habeis metido os dejo este screenshot.

Y a continuacion os pego un correo que nos ha mandado la subjefa de mi empresa, haciendo una lista breve de bromas que se han hecho desde los medios en dias tales como hoy. Cada una lleva un link al articulo en cuestion. Que os entretengais!

Some fun April 1 reading material:

The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest, 1957: This may be the most famous April Fool joke of all time. The respected BBC news show Panorama announced that thanks to a very mild winter and the virtual elimination of the dreaded spaghetti weevil, Swiss farmers were enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop.

San Serriffe, 1977: The British newspaper The Guardian published a special seven-page supplement devoted to San Serriffe, a small republic said to consist of several semi-colon-shaped islands located in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles affectionately described the geography and culture of this obscure nation. Its two main islands were named Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse. Its capital was Bodoni, and its leader was General Pica. The Guardian's phones rang all day as readers sought more information about the idyllic holiday spot. The success of this hoax is widely credited with launching the enthusiasm for April Foolery that gripped the British tabloids in subsequent decades.

Burger King Introduces Left-handed Whoppers, 1998: Burger King UK today announced the launch of its latest salvo in the battle of the Burger Wars—the new left-handed Whopper—which will become available nation-wide tomorrow April 1. The UK’s most preferred hamburger … has been re-designed to fit more comfortably in the left hand. … The new Left-Handed Whopper will have all the condiments rotated 180 degrees, thereby redistributing the weight of the sandwich so that the bulk of them skew to the left.

Walt Disney Corporation to Acquire MIT for $6.9 Billion, 1998: Top Ranked Engineering School will switch to Imagineering. … The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Walt Disney Company today announced the signing of an agreement whereby Disney will acquire MIT…. This unprecedented acquisition of a non-profit educational institution by a Fortune 500 company will be accomplished by Disney setting up a $6.9 billion cash scholarship trust fund. The fund will be used to reimburse past students for tuition, and provide scholarships for students for the next 20 years.

Alpine Legend Xbox 360, 2009: Guitar Hero is very popular, but what about those of you who prefer yodeling? Here’s your game!

Gmail Autopilot, 2009: The easiest email could possibly be. As more and more everyday communication takes place over email, lots of people have complained about how hard it is to read and respond to every message. This is because they actually read and respond to all their messages…

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